If I couldn't talk, my life wouldn't be over. It might actually be a benefit. It would be a challenge to learn how to communicate in other ways, but I would do it. A situation like that might even contribute to the quality of my photographic work. My photos would become my voice, my way of letting the world know my thoughts, my desires, my hopes and dreams, my views on the world and people around me.
(Being Mute)
Writing Number Five:
Hyperreal. Slow motion video of insects, birds and bats gives a similar effect as does macro photography. It is a close up, intimate experience that can only be witnessed by the human eye in a medium. It exhibits the complexities, intricacies and details of the natural world - all of the things that many people don't take the time to look at on a regular basis. Technology gives us the ability to see these moments in life that would otherwise be partially hidden.
(TED Award video on pollination)
Writing Number Four:
It is something that we cannot escape. It has become an integral part of life as we know it. Many people today live off of and rely on social media. It is the piece of life that connects people together. Information travels and ideas are spread. It is great for word getting out and people having immediate access to what they need to know.
The greatest achievement of the social media is that it gives information, ideas, photos, videos, etc, can spread like wildfire. People's lives can be changed in a matter of days with the social media.
(Social Media)
Writing Number Three:
This is a time that I'm going to be looking forward to. All I will have to do is work. That's it. No lunches being consumed by meetings. No e-mails I'll send out with never a reply. No homework that can't be done at home and I've been at work too late to be able to go to the school. No class that takes me out of bed when I'd really rather be sleeping. No frustrations from not getting things done. No never having time to be able to clean, eat, do laundry. For the first time in months, I will be able to be social and not have to worry about that homework assignment that still needs to done. All I will have to do is work. And for where I work, I won't complain. This is the best time of the year to make money.
Writing Number Two:
There are many ways in which a person should react. However, it is uncommon for people to do what they should do all of the time. Despite the way she reacted to the flowers, it is only to be expected. Yes, it’s rude and hurtful the person that gave it to her, but she is who she is. Madonna is one of those celebrities who her personality is part of what makes her an admired person. Therefore it comes as no surprise.
Writing Number One:
I can hear it. Calling my name.
"Charlie," the voice whispers.
I can't be going crazy, can I?
"I know you're there, Charlie. Don't ignore me."
Briskly I walk past the doorway, down the hall and out the front door. All I want to do is mindlessly wander through the spaces of the wide world I call my backyard. I stand poised on the single step, about to make my first foot fall to begin the wander.
Then, "Charlie, I know you want me."
Ha ha! Love the cupcake response, Jessi. And yes, Madonna is who she is.