Thursday, January 19, 2012

Clementina Hawarden Notes

1822-1865. She began photography in 1857.
Just like Julia Margaret Cameron, she used the people around her as her models.
It is believed that she started experimenting with stereoscopic photography.
She was one of the first photographers to be experimental with her work.
"The full-length looking-glass mirror which often appears in her pictures was known as 'psyche' and is a visual pun on the Greek God "Psyche", who represented the spiritual aspects of mankind. So the mirror and figures together in her pictures seem to represent the spiritual and material aspects of human life." (V&A)
In 1863, she had her first of two exhibits with the Photographic Society of London, and won silver awards for both exhibits.
It's believed that she died in 1865 because her immune system was weakened by the photographic chemicals.
Her medium was albumen print from wet collodion on glass negative.,_Viscountess_Hawarden

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