Sunday, October 23, 2011

La Petite Peregrine

The Falcon animal totem comes to us when we require higher vision, or higher knowledge in solving current dilemmas in our lives.

The Falcon is a solar emblem for success, victory and rising above a situation.
Further evidence of its solar influence, the Falcon was symbolic of the rising sun in Egypt. It is also the king of all birds where many gods were shown with the head or body of the Falcon (including Ra).
In European tradition, the Falcon represents the huntsman and is associated with the Germanic sky-gods Wodan as well as Frigg and the trickster Loki. In European culture the Falcon is considered a warlike symbol.

At its core, the Falcon animal totem represents visionary power, wisdom, and guardianship. This powerful bird awakens visionary power, and leads you to your life purpose. The Falcon carries with it a message of transition and change - perhaps in your vocation, work, career, etc.
A quick-list of falcon animal totem attributes:
  • Superiority
  • Spirit
  • Light
  • Power
  • Focus
  • Prophecy
  • Freedom
  • Aspiration
  • Intensity
  • Determination

The Peregrine Falcon lives up to its Latin name: Falco Peregrinus which means foreigner or stranger because it is a migratory bird rather than sedentary - it is found throughout the world and tends to travel great distances.
The Peregrine is most often used in falconry due to its keen intellect and incredible ability to calculate or judge its prey.

Falcon animal totem s encourage us to calculate and strategize. If we have a goal, Falcons beckon us to make plans and strategies to obtain these goals. Falcons are all about focus - strong, one-pointed focus. When they show themselves to us, we are being called to focus on our desires and our goals, and do what is necessary to bring our desires into our reality.

The fact that the Falcon is a solar creature could mean there is something in your life that you are highly passionate about, and the Falcon is asking you to take action on this passion. But be smart about it - don't jump into something without doing research and planning. Make your passion a reality by persuing it methodically and as stratigically as the Falcon would persue his hunt.

Lastly, invoke the spirit of your Falcon animal totem in your meditations, during quite/relaxing times, and just before sleeping. When you calm yourself and call upon the spirit of the Falcon, the Falcon is then able to come through your consciousness and provide you more details about what you must know.